Throughout the year, members of the Senior Class participate in several important events and functions. Some events are formal, while others require that participants wear their senior robes and regalia.
Randolph College celebrates the official opening of each academic year during the first week of classes in Smith Hall Theatre. Convocation features time-honored traditions, including lively cheering and singing between the seniors and the sophomores. Speakers at Convocation include President Bateman and the current student government president. Seniors are encouraged to wear graduation robes, button stoles (optional), and funny hats (optional).
This tradition begins with the ringing of the Conway Bell the Wednesday evening prior to the weekend of Pumpkin Parade and culminates with the Pumpkin Parade on Saturday evening. Seniors are encouraged to wear graduation robes, button stoles (optional), and funny hats (optional) as they receive pumpkins from the sophomores.
For seniors who are graduating mid-year, a formal luncheon will be held on the last day of fall semester classes to recognize and celebrate their accomplishments. Invitations will be sent to qualifying seniors in November.
Held in the January of the spring semester, this event offers an opportunity for seniors and the faculty to celebrate “the beginning of the end.” All eligible seniors will be invited to attend in early January.
Every March, the senior class gathers to help the College celebrate it’s anniversary and our first president, William Waugh Smith. Featured speakers include President Bateman, the student government president, and the senior class president. Musical performances are also provided by Songshine and Voices, followed by a senior-sophomore serenade. Seniors are encouraged to wear graduation robes, button stoles (optional), and funny hats (optional).
Senior Dinner Dance Weekend (SDD) is a fun-filled, celebratory weekend for seniors, featuring informal and formal events. Invitations will be extended to all qualified seniors early in the spring semester.
Open to seniors only (no guests), President Bateman and Cyndi Lee invite you to join them for a formal cocktail reception to celebrate your accomplishments. Cocktail attire recommended.
The traditional Daisy Chain event will be held on Front Campus on the Saturday morning of commencement weekend. Daisy Chain has been a Commencement event since the early 1900s. The seniors will assemble in rows on the steps of Martin Science Building in their button-adorned academic robes and funny hats. (Seniors cover their robes and/or button stoles with buttons they have carefully collected during their years at Randolph.) The sophomores, sister class of the seniors, will carry the daisy chain across front campus to Martin Science Building, following the traditional Crush Path. When they reach Martin Science Building, the sophomores will move among the seniors and, amidst a sister-class serenade, pass the daisy chain into the arms of the seniors. The seniors will then process with the daisy chain from the steps of Martin Science Building to the Sundial, located in front of Wright Hall. The Daisy Chain ceremony lasts about 20 minutes from start to finish.
The Saturday evening Garden Party, held in Michels Plaza (Hampson Commons if rain) is for all graduates and their guests. Mix and mingle with classmates, faculty, staff, family and friends on the eve of your commencement.
**Required for all seniors and squires.** Graduates and their squires will meet promptly at 7:45 a.m. for commencement rehearsal. Because rehearsal times may vary, everyone must be ready to go in full dress for commencement. This includes graduation robe, cap, tassel, and hood. Button stoles are not worn during the commencement ceremony. It is recommended that graduates and squires eat breakfast before rehearsal since there will not be time to eat before the ceremony.
Graduates and their squires will meet promptly at 8:45 a.m. to line-up for the procession. Graduates must be ready to go in full dress for commencement. This includes graduation robe, cap, tassel, and hood. Button stoles are not worn during the commencement ceremony. Squires will stand to the left side of the graduates.